US approach to research security threatens scientific enterprise, says new report  December 20, 2021
According to a new report by the American Physical Society (APS) titled “Impact of US Research Security Policies: US Security and the Benefits of Open Science and International Collaborations,” the US federal government’s current approach to research security concerns is causing a significant number of researchers to feel unwelcome in the United States, leading them to consider taking their talents to other countries. For the US to remain a global leader in science and technology, the nation must provide an environment that encourages open science and the free exchange of information and be a destination of choice for the world’s best and brightest minds to study and work. In response to the impacts, the APS report offers a series of policy recommendations. For scientists, the report recommends that they recommit to research integrity, which includes openness, honesty, objectivity, fairness, disclosure, accountability, and stewardship. For the US federal government, it states that the nation should make a clear recommitment to open science, reformulate US research security policies, and improve both disclosure policies and high-skilled visa and immigration policies…read more.

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