Magnetic levitation: New material offers potential for unlocking gravity-free technology  April 8, 2024 An international team of researchers (Japan, Taiwan, Mexico, Australia) demonstrated the passive, diamagnetic levitation of a centimeter-sized massive oscillator, which was fabricated ensuring that the material, though highly diamagnetic, was an electrical insulator. By chemically coating a powder of microscopic graphite beads with silica and embedding the coated powder in high-vacuum compatible wax, they formed a centimeter-sized thin square plate which magnetically levitated over a checkerboard magnet array. The insulating coating reduced eddy damping by almost an order of magnitude compared to uncoated graphite with the same particle size. The plates exhibited a different equilibrium orientation […]

Out with the old, in with the new: Agile mentorship to support future scientists  August 31, 2023 Existing mentorship models are limited by miscommunication, undefined roles, and mismatched goals. To address these limitations a team of researchers in the US (Mayo Clinic, Indiana University) leveraged insights from agile science and the existing evidence on effective mentorship models to support effective mentoring relationships in healthcare environments. They described the model and shared qualitative findings generated from the independent analysis of 18 months of mentee reflections. In two iterative cycles, reflections (n = 56) were analyzed using exploratory content and relational analysis and identified four main themes – identification of shortcomings, adaptive perspective, managing relationships, and personal […]

Researchers create neurons that can be integrated into human brain tissue

Medical Express  August 27, 2020 An international team of researchers (Sweden, Ukraine, Spain, Italy) demonstrated that grafted cells integrate into an already established neuronal network, present in a slice of brain cortex from a human donor, receiving inputs and establishing synaptic contacts with the neurons of the slice. The transplantation of cells can be obtained from the same patient, avoiding graft rejection and ethical concerns associated with this kind of therapies…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Potential superbug-killing compound

Science Daily  March 3, 2020 An international team of researchers (USA – University of Cincinnati, University of North Carolina, University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign, Bowling Green State University, Canada) has developed a drug, AB569, which contains ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (commonly referred to as EDTA) and acidified nitrite which work together to effectively kill disease-causing bacteria without harming human cells. The lab tests of AB569 showed promising results in treating priority pathogens, plus additional bacteria that cause foodborne illness such as E. coli and Listeria…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Your DNA is not your destiny — or a good predictor of your health

Science Daily  December 19, 2019 Researchers in Canada examined two decades of data from studies that examine the relationships between common gene mutations and different diseases and conditions. According to their analysis the vast majority of diseases, including many cancers, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease, have a genetic contribution of 5 to 10 per cent at best, some notable exceptions, include Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and macular degeneration, which have a genetic contribution of approximately 40 to 50 per cent. Despite these rare exceptions, it is becoming increasingly clear that the risks for getting most diseases arise from an individual’s metabolism, […]

Inorganic material database ‘AtomWork-Adv’ made available to the public

Nanowerk   May 23, 2018 National Institute of Materials Science inorganic materials database, AtomWork-Adv will be provided as a fee-based service starting Monday, May 28, 2018. The database compiles crystal structure data (approx. 274,000 datasets), X-ray diffraction data (approx. 496,000 datasets), material properties data (approx. 298,000 datasets) and phase diagram data (approx. 40,000 datasets) collected from literature published up to 2014. Data will be continuously added to and updated in the fee-based AtomWork-Adv database… read more. The free of charge version data is not updated and functionality is limited.

Shedding light on a cyclic molecule with a twist   May 14, 2018 In their electronically excited state Möbius aromatic molecules display “antiaromaticity,” characterized by high energy levels and high instability. To understand their properties, researchers in Japan applied a time-resolved electron paramagnetic resonance method to detect the magnetic properties of a reactive intermediate molecule hexaphyrin. Illuminating hexaphyrin with laser pulses, they detected the resonance between the microwave and the electron spins linked to the magnetism of the excited triplet state and to the external magnetic field. The findings has application in the use of these special properties to electronic functional materials, such as organic solar cells and electric […]

Broad spectrum antiviral drug inhibits a range of emerging coronaviruses

Science Daily March 6, 2018 A team of researchers in the US (Vanderbilt University, University of North Carolina, University of the South, industry) reports on GS-5734, a promising experimental broad spectrum antiviral drug. Previous studies on have shown that the drug inhibits strains of SARS and MERS coronaviruses that infect human airways and the lower respiratory tract, as well as infection by the Ebola virus. The researchers now report that the drug also inhibits murine hepatitis virus, or MHV, which is closely related to several human coronaviruses that can cause respiratory tract infections, sometimes as severe as SARS. They tested […]