Data-transmitting light signal gets power boost from nanosized amplifier

Nanowerk  February 5, 2019 Atomic layer deposition method has been used mainly in electronic applications. An international team of researchers (Finland, France, UK) reports ultra-high on-chip optical gain in erbium-based hybrid slot waveguides with a monolithic, CMOS-compatible and scalable atomic-layer deposition process. They have demonstrated up to 20.1 ± 7.31 dB/cm and at least 52.4 ± 13.8 dB/cm net modal and material gain per unit length, respectively. The study showed that a light signal can be potentially boosted regarless of the structure of the microchip. The results indicate that atomic layer deposition is a promising method for developing microchip photonic processes…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE