US approach to research security threatens scientific enterprise, says new report  December 20, 2021 According to a new report by the American Physical Society (APS) titled “Impact of US Research Security Policies: US Security and the Benefits of Open Science and International Collaborations,” the US federal government’s current approach to research security concerns is causing a significant number of researchers to feel unwelcome in the United States, leading them to consider taking their talents to other countries. For the US to remain a global leader in science and technology, the nation must provide an environment that encourages open science and the free exchange of information and be a destination of choice […]

A New Institutional Approach to Research Security in the United States

Georgetown University  January 2021 Most U.S. research and development (R&D) takes place in the private sector. To truly protect U.S. R&D, the government needs to empower frontline researchers as true partners. That means investing more in supporting security-informed decision making in business, philanthropy, and academia, and relying less on mandates and punitive tactics. To achieve these results, in a report “A New Institutional Approach to Research Security in the United States” researchers at Georgetown University propose a new, public-private research security clearinghouse, with leadership from academia, business, philanthropy, and government have a presence in the most active R&D hubs across […]