Scientists test new material for neurocomputers

Physorg  February 12, 2018 Bipolar effect of resistive switching (BERS) can be used for developing nonvolatile two-terminal memory cells, as well as for memristors. Researchers in Russia have shown that epitaxial fields that form on the surface of a single-crystalline substrate of strontium titanate can be used to create memristors for a new generation of computers. The innovation in this research is in applying the lithography which allows developing the technology for miniaturization of resistive memory elements…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Worm ‘uploaded’ to computer and taught amazing tricks

Science Daily  February 6, 2018 C. elegans must get by with only 300 neurons. It can be drawn as a circuit diagram or reproduced by computer software, so that the neural activity of the worm is simulated by a computer program. Researchers in Austria trained and optimized the artificial reflex network on the computer with the help of reinforcement learning. They succeeded in teaching the virtual nerve system to balance a pole on its tip – solving a standard technology problem. They have demonstrated that their neural policy performs as good as existing traditional control theory and machine learning approaches… […]