‘Hot and messy’ entanglement of 15 trillion atoms

Nanowerk  May 15, 2020 Quantum technologies often employ strong cooling and isolation to protect entangled entities from decoherence by random interactions. Researchers in Spain heated a collection of atoms to 450 Kelvin. The individual atoms collided with each other every few microseconds, and each collision set their electrons spinning in random directions. They observed an enormous number of entangled atoms – about 100 times more than ever before observed. The entanglement is non-local and the entanglement remains for about 1 millisecond, which means that 1000 times per second a new batch of 15 trillion atoms is being entangled. This clearly […]

Physicists develop new method to prove quantum entanglement

Phys.org  June 25, 2019 Building on a recent theoretical scheme, an international team of researchers (Austria, Serbia) successfully demonstrated that entanglement verification can be undertaken in a surprisingly efficient way and in a very short time, thus making this task applicable also to large-scale quantum systems. To test their new method, they experimentally produced a quantum system composed of six entangled photons. The results show that only a few experimental runs suffice to confirm the presence of entanglement with extremely high confidence, up to 99.99 percent. After a quantum system has been generated in the laboratory, the scientists carefully choose […]

Entangled Photons Sneak through Hole Unscathed

American Physical Society Focus  October 26, 2018 An international team of researchers (Austria, Australia, Spain, Italy) has demonstrated that quantum entanglement can be symmetry protected in the interaction with a single subwavelength plasmonic nanoaperture. By using specially engineered two-photon states to match the properties of the nanoaperture they demonstrated that two-photon entanglement can be either completely preserved or completely lost after the interaction with the nanoaperture, solely depending on the relative phase between the quantum states. The work should help in finding ways to keep delicate quantum information from being destroyed in future nanoscale chips… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Spatial overlap leads to useful quantum entanglement, say physicists

Physics World   June 25, 2018 Researchers in Italy studied independently prepared identical particles showing that, when they spatially overlap, an operational entanglement exists that can be made to manifest by means of separated localized measurements. They proved this entanglement is physical as it can be directly exploited to activate quantum information protocols, such as teleportation. These results establish that particle indistinguishability is a utilizable quantum feature and open the way to new quantum-enhanced applications… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE