New research on tungsten unlocks potential for improving fusion materials   March 13, 2024
Understanding phonon scattering has remained challenging and requires detailed information on interactions between phonons and electrons. An international team of researchers (USA – SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Sweden, Italy) used an ultrafast electron diffuse scattering technique to resolve the nonequilibrium phonon dynamics in femtosecond–laser-excited tungsten in both time and momentum. They determined transient populations of phonon modes which show strong momentum dependence initiated by electron-phonon coupling. For phonons near Brillouin zone border, they observed a transient rise in their population on a timescale driven by the strong electron-phonon coupling, followed by a slow decay governed by the weaker phonon-phonon relaxation process. They found  that the exceptional harmonicity of tungsten was needed for isolating the two processes, resulting in long-lived nonequilibrium phonons in a pure metal.  According to the researchers their finding highlights that electron-phonon scattering can be the determinant factor in the phonon thermal transport of metals… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

UEDS experiment of phonon dynamics in W. Credit: SCIENCE ADVANCES, 13 Mar 2024, Vol 10, Issue 11

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