Materials research explores design rules and synthesis of quantum memory candidates   March 11, 2024
Stoichiometric Eu3+ compounds have recently shown promise for building dense, optically addressable quantum memory as the cations’ long nuclear spin coherence times and shielded 4f electron optical transitions provide reliable memory platforms but finding rare linewidth behavior within a wide range of potential chemical spaces remains difficult. Researchers at the University of Illinois, Urbana─Champaign, have found density functional theory (DFT) procedures that reliably reproduce known phase diagrams and correctly predict two experimentally realized quantum memory candidates. They synthesized the double perovskite halide Cs2NaEuF6 which is an air-stable compound with a calculated band gap of 5.0 eV that surrounds Eu3+ with mononuclidic elements desirable for avoiding inhomogeneous linewidth broadening. They identified phosphates and iodates as the next generation of chemical spaces for stoichiometric quantum memory system studies. According to the researchers their work identifies new candidate platforms for exploring chemical effects on quantum memory candidates’ inhomogeneous linewidth and provides a framework for screening Eu3+ compound stability with DFT… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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