Improved microphysics modeling of clouds  May 11, 2023
An international team of researchers (USA – Brookhaven National Laboratory, NCAR, UCAR, Canada, Japan) concentrated on several topics that are understudied but hold great potential for further advancing bulk microphysics parameterizations such as multi-moment bulk microphysics parameterizations and the role of the spectral shape of hydrometeor size distributions; discrete vs “continuous” representation of hydrometeor types; turbulence-microphysics interactions etc. and theoretical foundations for the mathematical expressions used to describe hydrometeor size distributions and hydrometeor morphology; and approaches for developing bulk microphysics parameterizations. They presented spectral bin scheme and particle-based scheme (especially, super-droplet method) for representing explicit microphysics and elucidated their advantages and disadvantages for constructing cloud models with detailed microphysics that are essential to developing processes understanding and bulk microphysics parameterizations. Particle-resolved direct numerical simulation (DNS) models were described as an emerging technique to investigate turbulence-microphysics interactions at the most fundamental level by tracking individual particles and resolving the smallest turbulent eddies in turbulent clouds. Challenges and future research directions were also explored… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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