Ultra-lightweight multifunctional space skin created to withstand extreme conditions in space

Nanowerk  March 22, 2023
Current tissue engineering approaches combine different scaffold materials with living cells to provide biological substitutes that can repair and eventually improve tissue functions. Both natural and synthetic materials have been fabricated for transplantation of stem cells and their specific differentiation into muscles, bones, and cartilages. One of the key objectives for bone regeneration therapy to be successful is to direct stem cells’ proliferation and to accelerate their differentiation in a controlled manner using growth factors and osteogenic inducers. An international team of researchers (Singapore, South Korea) has shown that graphene provides a promising biocompatible scaffold that does not hamper the proliferation of human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSCs) and accelerates their specific differentiation into bone cells. The differentiation rate is comparable to the one achieved with common growth factors, demonstrating graphene’s potential for stem cell research… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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