New research models concept for data transport using train of satellites  February 23, 2023
A team of researchers in the US (University of Illinois, Caltech) has developed the concept of the Solar System Pony Express that aims to augment the data transmission capabilities of the Deep Space Network using the idea of data mules. Data mules as small spacecraft that can travel to a remote location, such as Mars, where they acquire data in close range to the probe’s transmitter, then carry the data back to Earth where it is downlinked in close range to the receiver. This enables high latency and high bandwidth communication. A network of interplanetary data mules could be established using cycler orbits. The trajectories encounter two or more celestial bodies along their path and require a modest amount of propellant for correction maneuvers. The team developed the tools to enable the trajectory design and optimization of Earth/Mars cycler orbits for the Solar System Pony Express mission. They simulated trajectories that make use of low-thrust propulsion and included a high-fidelity model that incorporates the gravity of the Sun, Earth and Mars. According to their calculations the total data volume returned during the simulated mission exceeded their goal of 1 Petabit per year… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Concept of operations for one cycler spacecraft. Credit: The Grainger College of Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

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