Scientists successfully manipulate a single skyrmion at room temperature

Nanowerk  November 24, 2021 The key to creating spintronics devices is the ability to effectively manipulate, and measure, a single tiny vortex. Researchers in Japan used a thin magnetic plate made up of a compound of cobalt, zinc, and manganese which is known as a chiral-lattice magnet. They directly observed the dynamics of a single skyrmion at room temperature and tracked the motions of the skyrmion and control its Hall motion directions by flipping the magnetic field when they subjected it to ultrafast pulses of electric current—on the scale of nanoseconds. They found that the skyrmion’s motion demonstrated a dynamic […]

Skyrmions could provide next generation data storage

Science Daily  April 1, 2019 Reconfigurable, ordered matter offers great potential for future low-power computer memory by storing information in energetically stable configurations. An international team of researchers (UK, USA – University of Colorado) describe stable, high-degree multi-skyrmion configurations where an arbitrary number of antiskyrmions are contained within a larger skyrmion called skyrmion bags. They have demonstrated the concept experimentally and numerically in liquid crystals and numerically in micromagnetic simulations either without or with magnetostatic effects. They found the skyrmion bags to act like single skyrmions in pairwise interaction and under the influence of current in magnetic materials. The finding […]