Powerless mechanoluminescent touchscreen underwater

EurekAlert  March 6, 2024 Optical properties of afterglow luminescent particles (ALPs) in mechanoluminescence (ML) and mechanical quenching (MQ) have diverse technological applications. An international team of researchers (South Korea, USA – Stanford University) designed ALPs for the development of a wearable and rewritable photonic display system as a communication toolbox under dark conditions or underwater environments with limited communication. The system demonstrated long-lasting MQ after short ML along the handwritten trajectories with mechanical pressure and the written content could be easily erased by short UV light irradiation, preserving the system integrity with the high reproducibility of ML and MQ responses. […]

New glass-ceramic emits light when under mechanical stress

Phys.org  July 26, 2022 Mechanoluminescence (ML) materials emit light in response to mechanical stimulation. However, most of today’s ML materials are polycrystalline ceramics or ceramic particle composites, which puts constraints on their bulk processability, material homogeneity and optical transparency. Researchers in Germany created a glass-ceramic material with mechanoluminescence properties by developing an exceptionally fast and stable crystallization process that allows the tiny chromium-doped zinc gallate (ZGO) crystals to precipitate homogeneously inside the glass after it has been shaped. They demonstrated it by using the ball-drop methos to show that the mechanoluminescence response was reproducible and rechargeable and that it exhibited […]