Scientists address the imbalance of the ‘Asian Water Tower’  June 7, 2022 The Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalayan system, Asian water tower, named the Third Pole, is the largest global store of frozen water after the polar regions, providing a reliable water supply to almost 2 billion people. Marked atmospheric warming has changed the balance of Asian water tower and altered water resources in downstream countries. In a review article an international team of researchers (China, UK, the Netherlands, USA – Ohio State University, Austria) synthesized the observational evidence and model projections that describe an imbalance in the Asian water tower caused by accelerated transformation of ice and snow into liquid […]

Minor volcanic eruptions could ‘cascade’ into global catastrophe

Science Daily  August 6, 2021 The typical focus of attention for global-scale catastrophes has been on large-scale eruptions with a volcanic explosivity index (VEI) of 7–8. An international team of researchers (UK, Israel) has identified seven “pinch points” where clusters of relatively small but active volcanoes sit alongside vital infrastructure that, if paralyzed, could have catastrophic global consequences. They include, the volcanic group on the northern tip of Taiwan, the home to one of the largest producers of electronic chips; The Mediterranean, where earthquakes can induce tsunamis that smash submerged cable networks and seal off the Suez Canal; eruptions in […]