A new information storage and processing device

Phys.org  July 29, 2021 An international team of researchers (USA – New York University, UC San Diego, France) combined the unique properties of quantum materials together with that of spintronic magnetic devices. They presented spin torque ferromagnetic resonance characteristics of a hybrid metal-insulator-transition oxide/ ferromagnetic metal nano constriction. Their samples incorporate vanadium trioxide (V2O3), with Ni, Permalloy (Ni80Fe20) and platinum layers patterned into a nano constriction geometry. The first order phase transition in V2O3 is shown to lead to systematic changes in the resonance response and hysteretic current control of the ferromagnetic resonance frequency. The output signal can be systematically […]

At the edge of chaos, powerful new electronics could be created

Science Daily  September 3, 2019 An international team of researchers (The Netherlands, USA – Pennsylvania State University, Spain, UK) observed a structural transition in the ferroelastic material barium titanate. The unit cells in these crystals are elongated creating an elastic strain that reduces the crystal stability. Increasing the temperature increases the entropy in the material. Cooling the material reduces the periodicity of the domains by repeated halving. They have shown that the behaviour observed in the ferroelastic barium titanate is generic for ferroic materials. Doubling of domains creates a structure similar to the bifurcating dendrites connecting the pyramidal cells in […]

A step towards probabilistic computing (w/video)

Eurekalert  May 14, 2019 In the search for new computer concepts, research is concentrating, amongst others, on probability-based computing. Researchers in Germany have succeeded in developing a material in which skyrmions can form. The researchers have also developed a method to exploit thermal diffusion of skyrmions in what is referred to as a reshuffler, a component of probability-based computing that automatically scrambles input data. The reshuffler produces a sequence with the same number of memory units but in a different order. Their probability has therefore remained the same. They have shown according to which laws diffusion occurs, its length and […]