Seeding the oceans with iron-rich fertilizer nanoparticles to store excess carbon dioxide

Nanowerk  November 29, 2022 Artificial ocean fertilization (AOF) carbon sequestration efficiency appears lower than natural ocean fertilization processes due mainly to the low bioavailability of added nutrients, along with low export rates of AOF-produced biomass to the deep ocean. An international team of researchers (UK, Thailand, USA – University of South Carolina, industry, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) explored the potential application of engineered nanoparticles (ENPs) to overcome these issues. Data from 123 studies showed that some ENPs may enhance phytoplankton growth at concentrations below those likely to be toxic in marine ecosystems. ENPs may also increase bloom lifetime, boost phytoplankton […]

Stripping carbon from the atmosphere might be needed to avoid dangerous warming—but it’s a deeply uncertain prospect  November 25, 2022 The target to limit global warming to 1.5℃ this century remains but it is unlikely we’ll meet it. Attention is turning to other options for climate action, including large-scale carbon removal. Proponents argue carbon removal is required at a massive scale to avoid dangerous warming. However, successfully stripping carbon from the atmosphere at the scale our planet requires is a deeply uncertain prospect. The IPCC said in a report this year that large-scale deployment of carbon dioxide removal was “unavoidable” if the world is to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions. According to the IPCC report in […]