On the cusp of valleytronics

Nanowerk  November 30, 2018 According to researchers in Singapore information can be transmitted by controlling an electron’s association with a valley — a manipulation that can be achieved using electric fields, magnetic fields and circularly polarised light. As the valley is a property of the whole material, the valley states are destroyed only if the material is significantly modified or ceases to exist. Therefore, encoding information onto valley states should be more enduring due to the unique coupling of electron spin to valley. They are engineering a number of new and useful 2D semiconductors for this technology by adjusting their […]

Opto-thermoplasmonic patterning of 2D materials

Nanowerk  August 14, 2018 To overcome problems associated with laser processing of high-quality micro- and nanopatterns of diverse two-dimensional (2D) materials, researchers at UT Austin have developed an all-optical lithographic technique called optothermoplasmonic nanolithography (OTNL) to achieve high-throughput, versatile, and maskless patterning of different atomic layers. Taking graphene and molybdenum disulfide they have shown that both thermal oxidation and sublimation in the light-directed temperature field can lead to direct etching of the atomic layers. They demonstrated that by steering the laser beams programmable patterning of 2D materials into complex and large-scale nanostructures is possible. The method can be applied to […]