Can a solid be a superfluid? Engineering a novel supersolid state from layered 2D materials

Nanowerk  March 30, 2023
A supersolid a counterintuitive quantum state in which a rigid lattice of particles flows without resistance, has not been unambiguously realized. An international team of researchers (Belgium, Italy, Australia, Brazil) has revealed a supersolid ground state of excitons in a double-layer semiconductor heterostructure over a wide range of layer separations outside the focus of recent experiments. It conforms to the original Chester supersolid with one exciton per supersolid site, as distinct from the alternative version reported in cold-atom systems of a periodic density modulation or clustering of the superfluid. They provided the phase diagram augmented by the supersolid. The new phase appeared at layer separations much smaller than the predicted exciton normal solid, and it persisted up to a solid-solid transition where the quantum phase coherence collapsed. According to the researchers the ranges of layer separations and exciton densities in their phase diagram were well within reach of the current experimental capabilities… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Phase diagram at zero temperature… Credit: Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 057001, 1 February 2023 

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