The World Is Not Ready For The Next Super-Eruption, Scientists Warn

Science Alert   September 6, 2022
According to researchers in the UK over the next century, large-scale volcanic eruptions are hundreds of times more likely to occur than are asteroid and comet impacts, put together. The peril posed by volcanoes may also be greater. In a 2021 study based on data from ancient ice cores, researchers found the intervals between catastrophic eruptions are hundreds or even thousands of years shorter than previously believed. The history of many volcanoes remains murky, making it hard to anticipate future eruptions and focus resources where risks are highest. According to the researchers we need more research on ice cores as well as historical and geological records, more interdisciplinary research to help us predict how a super-eruption might cripple civilization by identifying risks to trade, agriculture, energy, and infrastructure, identify geographic “pinch points” where volcanic risks overlap with critical trade networks. More comprehensive volcano monitoring is vital including ground-based monitoring as well as aerial and satellite observation. Community awareness and education is another key to resilience. Authorities also need ways to broadcast public alerts when volcanoes erupt…read more.  TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Mount Rinjani in Indonesia was the site of a magnitude-7 eruption in 1257.Credit: Michael Cassidy

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