US Must Unify Atmospheric Biology Research or Risk National Security

Global Biodefence  January 30, 2021
According to a team of researchers in the US (American University, NASA Ames Research Center) due to its interdisciplinary dependencies and broadness of scales from nanometers to kilometers, atmospheric biology research is highly fragmented in the U.S. science community. It lacks shared paradigms and common vocabulary. This deficit calls for recognizing atmospheric biology as a research community, thereby linking human health to climate change. While it makes sense for each department or agency to carry out research relevant to its responsibilities and interests, the lack of coordination and information-sharing can effectively cripple the U.S. response to national security threats, such as pandemics, that require cooperation and input from multiple agencies. According to the researchers we need to recognize atmospheric biology’s importance to national security and science diplomacy. Advanced atmospheric biology research is being conducted in Europe, Russia, and China, not in the United States…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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