Metasurface enabled quantum edge detection  December 29, 2020
Metasurfaces consisting of engineered dielectric or metallic structures provide unique solutions to realize exotic phenomena including negative refraction, achromatic focusing, electromagnetic cloaking, and so on. The intersection of metasurface and quantum optics may lead to new opportunities but is much less explored. An international team of researchers (China, USA – UC San Diego, Columbia University, Harvard University, Austria) proposed and experimentally demonstrated that a polarization-entangled photon source can be used to switch ON or OFF the optical edge detection mode in an imaging system based on a high-efficiency dielectric metasurface. This experiment enriches both fields of metasurface and quantum optics, representing a promising direction toward quantum edge detection and image processing with remarkable signal-to-noise ratio…read more.  TECHNICAL ARTICLE  (Open Access) 1  2   3

The schematics of a metasurface enabled quantum edge detection…Credit: Science Advances, doi:10.1126/sciadv.abc4385

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