Shining light into the dark: New discovery makes microscopic imaging possible in dark conditions  July 9, 2020
Chemiluminescence and fluorescence have revolutionized the study of chemical and biological processes. Technically simple solution of converting chemical energy into light energy only at specific sites defined by a clean, easy-to-deliver focused light stimulus is not yet a viable option. Researchers in Australia have developed a method where the light shines on an opaque substrate, while the other side of the sample in contact with the specimen does not have any exposure to the external light at all. The brief light exposure activates the chemicals and makes the sample glow in the dark. The technique addresses two of the major drawbacks of the fluorescence method—namely the interference of the light potentially over-exciting the samples, and the risk of damaging light-sensitive specimens. The technique has applications in biology and chemistry…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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