Corralling Groups of Photons

APS Synopsys  July 14, 2020
An international team of researchers (Germany, Spain, Denmark) propose a device to create flocks of photons by sorting a coherent pulse of light into bunches of strongly correlated photons. The device consists of an optical waveguide that is strongly coupled to a row of two-level quantum systems. A laser pulse is shone down the waveguide. Photons within the pulse are strongly connected to each other such that the arrival of one portends the quick arrival of the next. The atoms absorb pulse photons, entering an excited state. If photons connected to the absorbed ones interact with the excited atoms, the connected photons stimulate emission by the atoms. Larger groups of partners lead to quicker stimulation and a reduced delay between absorption and emission by the atoms. The research findings boost technologies, such as quantum metrology, where these groupings would greatly improve measuring accuracy…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

N two-level atoms (blue circles) are chirally coupled to a waveguide with decay rate Γ and driven by an input Gaussian pulse, which can be a coherent or Fock state… Credit: Phys. Rev. X 10, 031011, 14 July 2020

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