New stretchable, self-healing and illuminating electronic material for wearables and soft robots

Nanowerk  May 30, 2020
Intrinsically stretchable optoelectronic devices such as light-emitting capacitors usually require high driving alternating voltages and excitation frequencies to achieve sufficient luminance in ambient lighting conditions. To lower the electronic operating conditions an international team of researchers (Singapore, USA – Cornell University) developed a material made up of unique blend of fluoroelastomer and surfactant. It has very high dielectric permittivity and self-healing properties, transparent, and elastic. A healable, low-field illuminating optoelectronic stretchable (HELIOS) device can turn on at voltages that are four times lower and achieve illumination that is more than 20 times brighter. Due to the low power consumption, HELIOS can achieve a longer operating lifetime, be utilised safely in human-machine interfaces, and be powered wirelessly to improve portability…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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