Landmark recommendations on development of artificial intelligence and the future of global health

Science Daily  May 19, 2020
In this review article, a team of researchers in the US (Columbia University, Johns Hopkins University) suggests that AI-driven health interventions fit into four categories relevant to global health researchers: (1) diagnosis, (2) patient morbidity or mortality risk assessment, (3) disease outbreak prediction and surveillance, and (4) health policy and planning. However, much of the AI-driven intervention research in global health does not describe ethical, regulatory, or practical considerations required for widespread use or deployment at scale. Despite the field remaining nascent, AI-driven health interventions could lead to improved health outcomes in Low and Middle Income Countries. Although some challenges of developing and deploying these interventions might not be unique to these settings, the global health community will need to work quickly to establish guidelines for development, testing, and use, and develop a user-driven research agenda to facilitate equitable and ethical use…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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