Movement of a liquid droplet generates over 5 volts of electricity

EurekAlert  February 13, 2020
Researchers in Japan have demonstrated that using molybdenum disulfide instead of graphene as the active material in the generator makes it possible to generate over 5 volts of electricity from a liquid droplet. They made a large area single -layer MoS2 film with polystyrene film as bearing material, by chemical vapor deposition using a sapphire substrate with molybdenum oxide (MoO3) and sulphur powders. The film made it easy to transfer the synthesized MoS2 film to the surface. The generator is flexible enough to be installed on the curved inner surface of plumbing and is thus expected to be used to power IoT devices used in liquids, water quality sensors that can generate power from industrial wastewater while monitoring it. It can harvest energy from multiple forms of liquid motion, including droplets, spraying, and sea waves. The device could also be used in applications involving hydrodynamics, such as generating electricity from rainwater and waterfalls…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

A droplet moving on MoS2 generates the voltage as high as 5 V. Credit: Adha Sukma Aji

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