Hackers could shut down satellites–or turn them into weapons

Phys.org  February 12, 2020
According to researchers at the University of Denver the lack of cybersecurity standards and regulations for commercial satellites, in the U.S. and internationally, leaves them highly vulnerable to cyberattacks. If hackers took control of the satellites, they could shut them down, deny access to their services, jam or spoof the signals from satellites, creating havoc for critical infrastructure. If hackers took control of steerable satellites, they could alter the satellites’ orbits and crash them into other satellites. Complex supply chains and layers of stakeholders, and multiple parties involved in their management means it is often not clear who bears responsibility and liability for cyber breaches. Strong government involvement in the development and regulation of cybersecurity standards for satellites and other space assets, mandating the reporting of all cyber breaches involving satellites and clear legal guidance on who bears responsibility for cyberattacks on satellites will also go a long way to ensure that the responsible parties take the necessary measures to secure these ystems…read more.

Two CubeSats, part of a constellation built and operated by Planet Labs Inc. to take images of Earth, were launched from the International Space Station on May 17, 2016. Credit: NASA

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