Paving the way for spintronic RAMs: A deeper look into a powerful spin phenomenon

Science Daily  December 26, 2019
Extensive studies on Unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance (USMR) in metallic bilayers has found that its magnitude (∼10−5) is too small for practical applications. An international team of researchers(Japan,Vietnam) has demonstrated a giant USMR effect in a heterostructure of BiSb topological insulator – GaMnAs ferromagnetic semiconductors. They obtained a large USMR ratio of 1.1% and found that this giant USMR is governed not by the giant magnetoresistance like spin-dependent scattering but by magnon emission/absorption and strong spin-disorder scattering in the GaMnAs layer. Their results present a novel strategy to exploit spin-related phenomena in topological materials, which could spur several advances in the field of spin electronics. Moreover, the study provides additional insight into the underlying mechanism of spin-related phenomena…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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