Practical anonymous communication protocol developed for quantum networks  August 21, 2019
In the protocol developed by an international team of researchers (UK, USA – MIT, France) the player who wants to send a message anonymously notifies the receiver. Then, in each round of the protocol, an untrusted source creates an entangled quantum state called the Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state and distributes it between the players. Each player can either check if the state is actually the GHZ state by running a verification test or use the state for anonymous quantum communication. If test fails, there is possible breach, the misbehaving source is caught. If they use the state for anonymous communication, they perform certain operations and measurements to create “anonymous entanglement” between the sender and receiver, connect. The ability of the protocol to achieve perfect anonymity depends on the players performing perfect actions and sharing a perfect GHZ state…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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