Emissions-free energy system saves heat from the summer sun for winter

Science Daily  October 3, 2018
Building on their previous discovery of a molecule which could store solar energy, an international team of researchers (Sweden, Spain) has made it possible for a liquid form of the molecule made from carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen to store energy. It could be adapted for use in a solar energy system, MOST (Molecular Solar Thermal Energy Storage). The energy in the isomer can be stored for up to 18 years. The research group has developed a catalyst for controlling the release of the stored energy. MOST works in a circular manner – the liquid captures energy from sunlight storing it at room temperature. When needed energy can be drawn through the catalyst which heats the liquid, this warmth can then be utilised in domestic heating systems, after which the liquid can be sent back up to the roof to collect more energy…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

The energy system MOST works in a circular manner. Credit: Yen Strandqvist/Chalmers University of Technology

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