Deeper understanding of quantum chaos may be the key to quantum computers   May 14, 2018
An international team of researchers (UK, Austria, Switzerland) has provided a theoretical explanation for the robust oscillations that kept the atoms in a quantum state for an extended time as predicted by Harvard University and MIT. The team’s work suggests that these oscillations are due to a new physical phenomenon that called ‘quantum many-body scar’. Previous theories involving quantum scars have been formulated for a single particle. The work extends these ideas to systems which contain not one but many particles, which are all entangled with each other in complicated ways. Quantum many-body scars might represent a new avenue to realise coherent quantum dynamics…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Quantum systems can exist in many possible states, here illustrated by groups of spins, each pointing along a certain direction. Credit: Zlatko Papic, University of Leeds

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