Top 10 Science and Technology Innovations for the Week of February 23, 2018

01. Bringing a hidden superconducting state to light
02. Major discovery in controlling quantum states of single atoms
03. New hole-punched crystal clears a path for quantum light
04. Many colors from a single dot
05. Scientists test new material for neurocomputers
06. Why even a moth’s brain is smarter than an AI
07. The USA is no longer guaranteed future military technology dominance
08. Physicists create new form of light
09. Chemists harness artificial intelligence to predict the future (of chemical reactions)
10. Palmreaders? Japan team builds second skin message display

And others…

China will fortify islands with railguns, drones, missiles and stealthy planes
Modeling Uncertainty Helps MIT’s Drone Zip Around Obstacles
Precision experiments reveal gaps in van der Waals theory
Researchers invented light-emitting nanoantennas based on halide perovskites
Smart Swarms Seek New Ways to Cooperate

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