Innovative transistors based on magnetically induced movement of ions

Nanowerk December 27, 2017
The transport of paramagnetic FeCl4 ions in a liquid electrolyte (including [Bmim]FeCl4) demonstrated by researchers in Japan, was magnetically controlled to operate a typical electrochemical device; an Electric Double Layer Transistor (EDLT), a type of transistor that uses an EDL at a semiconductor/electrolyte interface to tune the electronic carrier density of the semiconductor. The device was successfully switched by a magnetic field, although the switching ratio was smaller than in conventional EDLTs that are controlled by an electric field. The research has the potential to realize innovative applications that have not been possible using conventional approaches. Read more.  Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

(a) Illustration of two-terminal electrochemical-cell-type MEC and components of diluted [Bmim]FeCl4 solution. (b) UV-Vis-NIR absorption spectra measured near right electrode (dark brown) and near left electrode (light yellow).

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