The Three Technology Drivers (according to Neil Tyson)

Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, outlines the only technology drivers that have been behind big investment projects from the construction of the pyramids to the exploration of the new world to the Manhattan Project.  Making extraordinary investments in science and technology requires convincing the “checkwriters” (as he describes them) to invest not for reasons like intellectual curiosity or adventure but for very different reasons.  In his survey, despite expecting to find hundreds of reasons, he only found three:

  1. The War/Defense/Fear Driver
  2. Economic/Promise of Wealth/Greed Driver
  3. Tribute to Deity/Royalty/Adoration

Check out the following video where he speaks at length about these:

His argument is that investment in science and innovation has fueled the engine of economic growth that we are enjoying today.  Additionally in this talk and the one below, he emphasizes the effect of ambitious scientific programs like the space program impacting popular culture in unexpected and subconscious ways.




Posted in Science Policy.

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