Top 10 Science and Technology Innovations for the Week of February 23, 2018

01. Bringing a hidden superconducting state to light 02. Major discovery in controlling quantum states of single atoms 03. New hole-punched crystal clears a path for quantum light 04. Many colors from a single dot 05. Scientists test new material for neurocomputers 06. Why even a moth’s brain is smarter than an AI 07. The USA is no longer guaranteed future military technology dominance 08. Physicists create new form of light 09. Chemists harness artificial intelligence to predict the future (of chemical reactions) 10. Palmreaders? Japan team builds second skin message display And others… China will fortify islands with railguns, […]

Top 10 Science and Technology Innovations for the Week of 02/16/2018

01. Breakthrough in controlling light transmission 02. Worm ‘uploaded’ to computer and taught amazing tricks 03. Light controls two-atom quantum computation 04. Taking terahertz data links around the bend 05. Researchers help robots think and plan in the abstract 06. Using technology to detect hidden threats 07. The quantum internet has arrived (and it hasn’t) 08. Energy-efficient encryption for the internet of things 09. Cyberwarfare is taking to the skies, aboard drones 10. What causes ionic wind?

Top 10 Science and Technology Innovations for the Week of 02/09/2018

01. Speed of light drops to zero at ‘exceptional points’ 02. Compound could transform energy storage for large grids 03. Researchers demonstrate graphene as a source of high-speed light pulses 04. Innovative diode design uses ultrafast quantum tunneling to harvest infrared energy from the environment 05. A fast-evolving new botnet could take gadgets in your home to the dark side 06. Clemson researchers blaze new ground in wireless energy generation 07. Vanadium dioxyde: A revolutionary material for tomorrow’s electronics 08. Controlling quantum interactions in a single material 09. Certain bacteria produce tiny gold nuggets by digesting toxic metals 10. The […]