Controlling waves in magnets with superconductors for the first time

Science Daily  October 26, 2023 For spintronics spin-waves have emerged as a promising platform that can offer new functionalities because of their wave nature. However, control of the spin-waves has remained a formidable challenge. Researchers in the Netherlands used superconducting diamagnetism to shape the magnetic environment governing the transport of spin waves in a thin-film magnet. Using diamond-based magnetic imaging, they observed hybridized spin-wave–Meissner-current transport modes with strongly altered, temperature-tunable wavelengths and then demonstrated local control of spin-wave refraction using a focused laser. According to the researchers their results demonstrate the versatility of superconductor-manipulated spin-wave transport and have potential applications […]

Magnonic computing: Faster spin waves could make novel computing systems possible  August 16, 2023 Spin waves are ideal candidates for wave-based computing, but the construction of magnetic circuits is blocked by the lack of an efficient mechanism to excite long-running exchange spin waves with normalized amplitudes. An international team of researchers (Austria, Ukraine, Germany, Czech Republic) solved the problem by exploiting a deeply nonlinear phenomenon for forward volume spin waves in 200-nm-wide nanoscale waveguides and validated their concept using microfocused Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy. An unprecedented nonlinear frequency shift of more than 2 GHz was achieved, corresponding to a magnetization precession angle of 55° and enabled the excitation of spin […]

Antiferromagnets are suitable for transporting spin waves over long distances, study finds  December 6, 2022 In antiferromagnets, the efficient transport of spin-waves has until now only been observed in the insulating antiferromagnet hematite, where circularly polarized spin-waves diffuse over long distances. An international team of researchers (Germany, France, Norway, China) observed long-distance spin-transport in the antiferromagnetic orthoferrite YFeO3, where a different transport mechanism was enabled by the combined presence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction and externally applied fields. The magnon decay length exceeded hundreds of nanometers, in line with resonance measurements that highlight the low magnetic damping. They observed a strong anisotropy in the magnon decay lengths which they attributed to the […]