Mosquito Saliva Can Actually Suppress Our Immune System, Study Finds

Science Alert  April 18, 2023 Mosquito transmission of dengue viruses to humans starts with infection of skin resident cells at the biting site. There is great interest in identifying transmission-enhancing factors in mosquito saliva in order to counteract them. An international team of researchers (Singapore, USA – University of Texas, University Virginia, Spain, France) has discovered high levels of the anti-immune subgenomic flaviviral RNA (sfRNA) in dengue virus 2-infected mosquito saliva. They confirmed that sfRNA was present in saliva. They showed that salivary sfRNA was protected in detergent-sensitive compartments. Based on this hypothesis, they visualized viral RNAs in vesicles in […]

California’s first lab-grown mosquitoes may take flight—stirring controversy  March 15, 2022 A biotech firm is seeking permission to release 2 million genetically modified male mosquitoes, with a “kill switch” built into their DNA, into the open air of California. When they mate with wild insects, their offspring die, causing an eventual collapse of the population. They are targeting swarms of the mosquito, first detected in Los Angeles County in 2011, which have since spread northward into 20 California counties. Unlike California’s native mosquitoes which emerge at dusk, these black-and-white-striped invaders hunt for blood during the day, when people are outside. They transmit potentially fatal Zika, dengue, yellow […]

Aquaculture at the crossroads of global warming and antimicrobial resistance

Science Daily  April 20, 2020 Fish farmers use large quantities of antimicrobials to treat or prevent disease on their farms. However, when used inappropriately, antimicrobials are ineffective and foster the development of resistant bacteria. An international team of researchers (France, Germany) conducted a double meta-analysis to explore how global warming and antimicrobial resistance impact aquaculture. They calculated a Multi-Antibiotic Resistance index (MAR) of aquaculture-related bacteria for 40 countries. They showed that aquaculture MAR indices correlate with MAR indices from human clinical bacteria, temperature and countries’ climate vulnerability and infected aquatic animals present higher mortalities at warmer temperatures. They raise the […]