Engineers build artificial intelligence chip

Science Daily  June 13, 2022 An international team of researchers (USA – MIT, University of Cincinnati, Harvard University, Stanford University, Washington University, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, South Korea, China) has developed stackable and replaceable hetero-integrated chips that use optoelectronic device arrays for chip-to-chip communication and neuromorphic cores based on memristor crossbar arrays for highly parallel data processing. They created a system with these chips that can directly classify information from a light-based image source.The system was modified by inserting a preprogrammed neuromorphic denoising layer that improves the classification performance in a noisy environment. Their technology can […]

Darpa Hacks Its Secure Hardware, Fends Off Most Attacks

IEEE Spectrum  February 16. 2021 Last summer, Darpa asked hackers to take their best shots at a set of newly designed hardware architectures designed under the DARPA System Security Integration Through Hardware and Firmware (SSITH) program. After 13,000 hours of hacking by 580 cybersecurity researchers only 10 vulnerabilities were found. Seven of the 10 vulnerabilities were deemed critical, according to the Common Vulnerability Scoring System 3.0 standards. Most of those resulted from weaknesses introduced by interactions between the hardware, firmware, and the operating system software…read more.