Scientists launch hub to channel quantum power for good  March 5, 2024
The Open Quantum Institute seeks to inclusively unleash the powers of quantum computing to ensure that the whole world contributes to and benefits from quantum computing. While traditional computers process information in bits that can be represented by 0 or 1, quantum computers use qubits, which can be a combination of both at the same time, allowing them to solve more complex problems. The first commercial quantum computers are still believed to be up to a decade away, and the technology is not expected to be fully developed before around 2050. With quantum computing still under development, there is time to think about what’s going to be the impact of these new technologies and ethical considerations. The institute will seek out applications of the technology that can move the world closer to implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals. In a bid to speed up the search for the best applications of the technology, GESDA has joined forces with Google and non-profit tech group XPrize and launched a competition calling for researchers everywhere to submit proposals. The three-year competition will reward the teams submitting the best projects, with $5 million in prizes at the end… read more.

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