Joint research team develops edge-to-edge assembly technique for 2D nanosheets  February 2, 2024
Despite remarkable advancements, the controlled assembly of highly anisotropic 2Dnanosheets is significantly challenging, primarily due to the limited availability of selective edge-to-edge connectivity compared to the abundant large faces. Researchers in South Korea have shown controlled self-assembly of 2D-silica nanosheets (2D-SiNSs) into hollow micron-sized soccer ball-like shells (SA-SiMS). The assembly was driven by the physical flexibility of the 2D-SiNSs and the differential electric double-layer charge gradient creating electrostatic bias on the edge and face regions. The resulting SA-SiMS structures exhibited high mechanical stability, even at high-temperatures, and exhibited excellent performance as catalyst support in the dry reforming of methane. According to the researchers their discovery sheds light on the controllable self-assembly of 2D nanomaterials and provides insights into the design and synthesis of advanced mesoscale materials with tailored properties… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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