Study offers a broader approach to quantum walks  July 14, 2023
Quantum walks have been widely studied for their ability to simulate a wide range of transport phenomena. Physicists have previously studied two distinct types of quantum walk, but so far, they haven’t widely considered how their mathematical descriptions could be linked. They have long been considered the discrete-time and discrete space analogue of the Dirac equation and have been used as a primitive to simulate quantum field theories precisely because of some of their internal symmetries. Researchers in France have introduced a new family of quantum walks, a more general family named “twisted” quantum walkers, named for the alteration in the choices available to them, which assume the form of plastic quantum walkers under the right conditions. In their paper, the researchers described several important consequences for their updated theory. They ultimately hope that it could further expand the range of phenomena that can be simulated by quantum phenomena to areas including the behaviors of graphene electrons in electromagnetic fields… read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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