Qubits put new spin on magnetism: Boosting applications of quantum computers

Science Daily  March 17, 2023
Unveiling the fundamental dynamics of naturally or artificially formed magnetic quasicrystals in the presence of an external magnetic field remains a difficult problem that may have implications for the design of information processing devices. Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory embedded a qubit magnetic Penrose quasicrystal into a quantum annealer to reproduce the formation of magnetic phases driven by specific physical parameter selections. It allowed them to distinguish a wide range of frustrated magnetic configurations at the single-spin scale. They observed some spins dynamically activate, while others remained static, all within an average magnetization space defined by competing structural and magnetic degrees of freedom. Static spin structure factors revealed ferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic modulations that were compatible with a variety of spin textures. According to the researchers their work demonstrated that introducing structural aperiodicity in magnetic devices that exploit spin degeneracy in a single, richly intraconnected finite object could enable the engineering of quantum states in both the effective low-temperature and thermally excited regimes… read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Penrose quasicrystal. Credit: SCIENCE ADVANCES, 17 Mar 2023, Vol 9, Issue 11

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