Solids that are also liquids: Elastic tensors of superionic material  January 30, 2023
Superionics display both solid- and liquid-like characteristics: as solids, they respond elastically to shear stress; as liquids, they display fast-ion diffusion at normal conditions. They are technologically relevant for energy, electronics, and sensing applications. Characterizing and understanding their elastic properties are needed to address their feasibility as solid-state electrolytes in all-solid-state batteries. However, static approaches to elasticity assume well-defined reference positions around which atoms vibrate, in contrast with the quasi-liquid motion of the mobile ions in fast ionic conductors. Researchers in Switzerland have derived the elastic tensors of superionics from ensemble fluctuations in the isobaric-isothermal ensemble, exploiting extensive Car-Parrinello simulations. They applied this approach to paradigmatic Li-ion conductors and complemented with a block analysis to compute statistical errors. Static approaches sampled over the trajectories often overestimate the response, highlighting the importance of a dynamical treatment in determining elastic tensors in superionics…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE

a) Isosurface of Li-ion probability density for LGPS, showing the superionic character of these materials… CREDIT: npj Computational Material, volume 9, Article number: 10 (2023) 

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