Physicists see light waves moving through a metal

Nanowerk  October 27, 2022
With the discovery of nodal-line semimetals, the notion of the Dirac point has been extended to lines and loops in momentum space. However, experimental evidence for the enhanced correlations in nodal-line semimetals is sparse. An international team of researchers (USA -Columbia University, University of Arkansas, Pennsylvania State University, Florida State University, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Flatiron Institute, China, the Netherlands, Germany) found prominent correlation effects in a nodal-line semimetal compound, ZrSiSe, through experiments and density functional theory calculations. They observed two fundamental spectroscopic hallmarks of electronic correlations: strong reduction of the free-carrier Drude weight and the Fermi velocity compared to predictions of density functional band theory. The renormalization of Fermi velocity can be further controlled with an external magnetic field. According to the researchers ZrSiSe offers the rare opportunity to investigate correlation-driven physics in a Dirac system…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

Landau-level spectroscopy of ZrSiSe. Credit: Nature Physics volume 16, pages636–641 (2020) 

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