Erbium atoms in silicon: A prime candidate for quantum networks  November 7, 2022
A major challenge for a scalable architecture for quantum information processing is based on emitters in nanostructures that are coupled by light. Researchers in Germany demonstrated the integration of erbium atoms with special optical properties into a silicon crystal. Thus, the atoms could be connected by light at a wavelength that is commonly used in telecommunications, making them ideal building blocks for future quantum networks that enable calculations with several quantum computers, as well as the secure exchange of data in a quantum internet. They achieved a narrow inhomogeneous broadening, less than 1 GHz, strong optical transitions, and an outstanding optical coherence even at temperatures of 8 K, with an upper bound to the homogeneous linewidth of around 10 kHz. According to the researchers their work introduced a promising materials platform for the implementation of on-chip quantum memories, microwave-to-optical conversion, and distributed quantum information processing…read more. Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Different waveguide geometries used in this work. Credit: Phys. Rev. X 12, 041009, 2022 

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