Electrical gating of the charge-density-wave quantum phases opens innovative electronic applications

Nanowerk  November 1, 2022
Recent years witnessed a rebirth of the field of CDW materials and devices, partially driven by an interest in layered quasi-2D van der Waals materials where CDW phases can manifest themselves at room temperature. Despite numerous attempts, the electrical gating of the CDW phase, which is needed for many practical applications, remained elusive. An international team of researchers (USA – UC Riverside, University of Georgia, Poland) has demonstrated the electrical gating of the charge-density-wave phases and current in h-BN-capped three-terminal 1T-TaS2 heterostructure devices. The evolution of the hysteresis and the presence of abrupt spikes in the current while sweeping the gate voltage suggested that the effect is electrical rather than self-heating. They attributed the gating to an electric-field effect on the commensurate charge-density-wave domains in the atomic planes near the gate dielectric. Since the charge-density-wave phases are persistent in 1T-TaS2 at room temperature, according to the researchers, memory applications of such devices when scaled down to the dimensions of individual commensurate domains and few-atomic plane thicknesses are possible…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

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