A new method to enable efficient interactions between photons

Phys.org  October 6, 2022
Photonics stands out as fundamental to realize the full potential of quantum technology. It provides a modular approach where the main challenges lie in the construction of high-quality building blocks and in the development of methods to interface the modules. In a review article an international team of researchers (France, UK, Canada, Germany, Denmark, South Korea) used the example of quantum dot devices to present the physics of deterministic photon–emitter interfaces, including the main photonic building blocks required to scale up, and discuss quantitative performance benchmarks. While their focus is on quantum dot devices, the presented methods also apply to other quantum-emitter platforms such as atoms, vacancy centres, molecules, and superconducting qubits. They also identified applications within quantum communication and computing, presenting a route towards photonics with a genuine quantum advantage…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE   1  ,  2  ,   Open Access TECHNICAL ARTICLE   3 

Observation of dynamical photon–photon interaction. Credit: Nature Physics volume 18, pages1191–1195 (2022) 

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