Tonga Volcano Blasted Out Pressure Waves “Very Close to The Theoretical Limit”

Science Alert  July 1, 2022
The initial explosion and subsequent plume triggered atmospheric waves which propagated around the world multiple times. An international team of researchers (UK, USA – industry, University of Massachusetts Lowell, Virginia Tech, University of Colorado Boulder, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Catholic University of America, Germany, Australia, France)
show the details of this response, using a comprehensive set of satellite and ground-based observations to quantify it from surface to ionosphere. A broad spectrum of waves was triggered by the initial explosion, including Lamb waves propagating at phase speeds of 318.2±6 ms-1 at surface level and between 308±5 to 319±4 ms-1 in the stratosphere, and gravity waves propagating at 238±3 to 269±3 ms-1 in the stratosphere. Gravity waves at sub-ionospheric heights have not previously been observed propagating at this speed or over the whole Earth from a single source. Latent heat release from the plume remained the most significant individual gravity wave source worldwide for >12 hours. The Hunga Tonga eruption represents a key natural experiment in how the atmosphere responds to a sudden point-source-driven state change, which will be of use for improving weather and climate models…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 


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