Light traveling in a distorting medium can appear undistorted  June 24, 2022
An international team of researchers (South Africa, Mexico, Scotland) demonstrated that “distortion” is a matter of perspective, outlining a simple rule that applies to all light and a vast array of media, including underwater, optical fiber, transmission in the atmosphere and even through living biological samples. They showed that despite the distortion the “vectorness” of light remains unchanged, invariant to the media. It holds the key exploiting light even under non-ideal conditions. The team’s approach allows researchers to identify how to correct any distortions through the media without loss of light. According to the researchers their work paves the way to the versatile application of vectorial structured light, even through non-ideal optical systems, crucial in applications such as imaging and optical communication across noisy channels…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE 

Vectorial light through a tilted lens. Credit: Nature Photonics (2022) 

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