Thin quantum wires work better with less insulating coatings  May 4, 2022
Thin semiconducting wires, referred to as quantum wires, are often coated in insulating materials. Previous studies have explored how the mismatch between the insulating properties of both materials can influence their performance. Researchers in Vietnam have shown that thinner wires with less insulating coatings can improve the mobility of the electrons they carry. Previous models have presented conflicting conclusions about the ability of electrons to move through the wire, depending on whether coatings are more or less insulating than the semiconductor. The researchers considered the case where electrons are allowed to cross the outer boundary of the semiconductor. Their calculations showed that previous models have likely underestimated electron mobility—which becomes roughly 10 times greater in thin wires, when they are coated in less insulating materials than the semiconductor. The result provides important insights into the conducting properties of quantum wires and could enable researchers in future studies to better understand their potential applications…read more. TECHNICAL ARTICLE

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